Saturday, July 17, 2004


ftp rec-a
user shimanedb
enter password
mput DataProcessor.*
make all
trace code
compile again

Repeat this process until you strain your eyes staring at the computer.
That is how I spend my hours at work, and i am even putting up more hours
for it on a saturday.
I am assigned to do the DataProcessor, the heart of the Nuclear Reactor data Recording system.. but i don't have the heart to do this. I thought I am just going to be involved in this module for the design phase only but as it turned out I am also handling it until the coding.
I dread the day I volunteered to be assigned to this module. I was supposed to be in Monitoring system, I am supposed to be using Visual C++ now, I am supposed to be practicing my object oriented programming skill, I am supposed to be working with those cute trainees.. oooppss.. hehehe ;p
Kidding aside, i really can't find the interest to do this. I don't know what's wrong, is it me? is it the leader? is the language? I asked to be assigned here because I wanted to avoid having to work with Perfect Guy a.k.a The Shit. I did get what I wanted. We're two modules apart now. I asked the manager during our one on one talk not to make us work together because "I can't take him." and "I don't have any respect left for him anymore.". So now I have to pay for it by putting up with using C and Linux. Two things I am trying to avoid down the IT road for 4 years.
Now, where can I buy that zest for this? so I can start working now.


Blogger poeticnook said...

maybe you'll like this one better =)

String strURL = "http://" + rundata.getServerName() + ":" + rundata.getServerPort() + rundata.getContextPath();

org.apache.turbine.util.ParameterParser paramParser = rundata.getParameters();

8:48 PM  

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