Sunday, July 18, 2004

Hurrah on being single

I had a busy weekend. Last friday my girl friends and I went to Neo-Neo for dinner, watched Liberated 2 (very lousy movie) and 'tambay' at C24. But before our gimmick, we had a heart to heart talk.. a.k.a "open forum", i know it's too childish at our age but hey, we did it at the conference room so there's still a touch of maturity there huh. =D It was all because, one of us got mad or had a tampo against the rest of us, because.. she wasn't informed about the badminton game last thursday..yes we are all 25 years old and above...hehehe.. but anyway, it came out that it wasn't just about the badminton game, there were other issues (so u can't judge us as childish) but everything's ironed out now. thank god!
But anyway, going back to my busy weekend. My weekends have been loaded since I became officially single. It's funny when I recall myself 4 years ago, I made a promise that I will never have a boyfriend again until I turn 25 (I just came out of a very, very bad and traumatic first love relationship). Now I just turned 25, and I don't have a boyfriend because I just got out of a 4-year relationship. But for me, this is the best year of my life so far. It's because this is the only time I really appreciated my 'singlehood'. 

I used to believe that having someone who loves you and the "security" that someday you'll be married are the only important things in a woman's life. But now I realized that loving yourself is more important thing to learn. I am not being narcissist here, but what's the use of that "security" when you're forever pretending to be happy? When your self-esteem and confidence are being dragged down the bottomless pit? When you've stop dreaming?
But being alone has its downside too, for one i miss the holding hands , the hugs and the kisses. When I get sick, no one would drive me to the doctor anymore, no one would bring me food, no one would cook for me (i miss my favorite Sinigang). If I get scared in the middle of the night, i've no one to call to and come over my house even if it's already 2 in the morning (and so that's how i learn to sleep alone).
However, being single has its rewards that could more than make up for it. I can go anywhere, anytime with anyone. My social life has never been so alive. I've got more friends now, girls and guys. I have gone to more new places. I can shop til I drop without anyone bugging me. I can wear my sexy clothes without making someone's blood pressure rise up. And most of all, I can dream now.
I am an independent, single woman with the world on my hands. I have my family, friends and career. So there's no reason to rush. I know myself more now and I know what I want. I have a clearer idea of the kind of person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I value myself more now that's why I don't wish to waste my time on anyone trying to play around me. They are not worth it and I can say I deserve better than that. If ever I don't find that person, I guess it's alright with me. I have learned it's better to be alone than be with someone you're not happy with (it guess that's how death feels like).
Being single gives you time to learn from your past mistakes and make yourself a better person. 
The best things in life are free! and being single is one of them. =)


Blogger lizette said...

so that was the tampohan all about.. wish i cud join u girls on that heart to heart talk :) but good thing that was ironed out :)

hurrah indeed on being single .. one thing, when ur away, u get to save some money from phone bills.. and u get to have more budget for shopping :)

7:22 AM  

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