Tuesday, July 20, 2004

'The One'

In the middle of work, Maila suddenly sent me a net message of Gary V's "How Did You Know" lyrics. I thought she was going crazy or it's just an effect of her insomia. But actually, she was just feeling melancholic.. (oh what boredom do to people!). She shared to me her feeling of emptiness, loneliness and that she wants to find that elusive 'The One'. It's been two years when her longtime boyfriend died so I understand her need to feel that love again. I saw how her world revolved around Pio, the small and big sacrifices she'd made, like when she wouldn't come to our gimmiks because she had to go home early to cook for him and I saw how her heart died with him. The good news is she is now healed and her heart is now ready to take another lease of life. But the problem is it seems so hard to find that someone who will make her feel really alive again. or in a scientific term: "The One".
Maila is not alone. I know there are many who are Waiting, Hoping and Wishing. That someday, somewhere they will finally meet that someone.
But the biggest question of all is:  When is someday? Where is somewhere?
The answer is one of life's greatest mystery. I bet Albert Einstein and Aristotle died without knowing the answer.
But I have formulated a hypothesis for that (hey i'm not trying to outdo the two geniuses here ok). Why not use your precious time reaching for your dreams? instead of sitting there, sulking, or desperately collecting and running after someone who would be a potential "The One".
My dears, the world revolves, life goes on even without you. So don't get caught standing still. Walk to the road of your dreams, and who knows, the man of your dreams might be along the way.
Isn't it fabulous that when 'someday' comes, you're already a fulfilled person and ready to tackle another challenge of sharing your life with someone. Sharing yourself with someone is not an easy task. It becomes much more difficult when you still have an 'unfinished business' hanging with you. Because being with someone means creating a whole new dream together.
I think I am basing these thoughts with my own experience. My mom married early. She thought she already found 'the One' at age 18. It's hard growing up with a mom who is busy establishing her career and reaching for her American dream. Yep, she worked hard and was able to work and tour around US. But she had to pay the price of being away from her family for a long time. For mom and dad have different dreams, my dad never liked the idea of going there. So half of my life, I never had a mother around me and while growing up, I've harbored hate for her. All for her dream. (I think it's easier to accept if my parents are really separated). Until now I'm still wondering if what she did was worth it. I never knew, but what I learned is, I will never want that to happen to me or to my future family.
So instead of waiting to death, treat this time as a blessing and a chance to make yourself to what you really want to become. Look at the other side of the coin, not everybody is given this kind of opportunity.

To make life easier to bear, embrace the fact that finding 'The One' is and will forever remain a mystery, you may end up not finding it but at least you did something good for someone who is much more worthy of your time and love than anyone else... and that someone is YOU.


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