Thursday, February 10, 2005

He's Just Not That Into You

I just finished reading a book entitled "He is Just NOT That Into you." written by the writer and consultant of the HBO series Sex and The City. Each chapter tackles about the different ways men dump their women and how women make up different excuses for their men just to convince themselves or other people that inspite of everything, their men still love them. They just have to decode the mixed messages. But in every chapter the author will only have one thing to say: men are simple beings, if they don't call you then he's just not into you, no mixed messages whatsoever. And punctuated by the biggest period you'll ever see because it will never allow anymore arguments or reasons, no exceptions, that's it, your questions answered point blank, he's not into you so scoot girl and move on. But of course the author is not that harsh, he's just like all the other men when trapped in one corner. His words are sugar-coated with "you're one hot chick, you deserve better a better relationship." thatrhymes with the familiar words you hear like "it's not you, it's me." So women are expected tofeel better about themselves, move away and find that better man (which is where? really.) whilethe man slowly tiptoes away from that trap to find his next prey.

So I guess we really haven't taken off from the 18th century yet. 20th century is just a number, a countdown on how long women have been deprived of reasons or even a proper goodbye. Men still rule the world and we still pick up the mess they left behind.

So when your man suddenly disappears from you and never call back again, after all the "i love you", "you're the best thing that ever happened to me" and "please don't hurt me" that he said to you, you are supposed to accept that either he had an amnesia, he's on a coma or swallow the bitter pill prescribed as "He Is Not Just Into You, 1 capsule 3 times a day". You're not even allowed to suffer the side effects by feeling bitter, be confused or running after him just to ask for an explanation just so you wouldn't feel you've been played on. Men don't owe anything to us, we're the ones who expected too much, we are not interesting and oh my we're just so plainly stupid to believe everything they said! The saying "it takes two to tango" unfortunately doesn't exist in this world. So girl, move on with your life, forgive and forget.

When you meet again, (and that's only by accident or you initiated it), you will see him happyand smiling with no bitterness or anything at all. He is fine and it cuts through your heart like a knife because after all this time you are not. And from that "hi","hello" or "how are you?" you weave a reason that maybe he's not meant for you because that's all the closure you can get. You have no other choice but to begin painfully removing him from your system. But of course you always have a choice to be brave enough to confront him and ask him why and what happened then give him a hard slap on the face after. That is if you are willing to live as the "hot desperate chick". Oh come on!

They said "All is fair in love and war", so my question is where is our fair share in this deal?

Women are also human, we can feel, we can love, we can get hurt and we can miss you. We are not toys that you can just leave behind when you get tired of it.

We made you happy when you are lonely. We listened to you when you want to say things your friends don't want to hear. I was your soulmate when you were lost.

You are not the one who will be left with a broken heart and will not be ableto give it whole again. It is never simple. That's why I can't just accept the simple reason that you're not just into me anymore.


Blogger sam said...

oo nga..
i agree with you.

1:01 AM  

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