Friday, October 22, 2004

Why I love Tequila

I don't really drink alchohol, I even hate the bitter taste of beer even if it's ice cold. I just gulp a bottle when I need to, only when all my friends are drinking but I never exceed my limit of half a bottle. I also don't like those what they call "ladies drink" like the Margarita, Cosmopolitan, Bailey's, etc.. they may vary in names and mixes but they all have that same bitter taste of alchohol that I really hate.

Ironic it may sound but I love Tequila, the famous drink that has stronger alchohol content than all the booze that I mentioned. Tequila is my favorite drink next toMango and Dalandan Juice. It's not that I pair it up with my favorite meal or something but I just intoxicate myself with it when I am in pain. I only drink it with very few and trusted friends because once I get hold of it, I just drown myself with it.

I still hate its super bitter taste but I love how it runs from my lips down through my throat, then to my chest and hoping it goes down to my breaking heart as I say "burn it! burn it!". I become numb and my eyes will turn into a window to my soul when the sill can no longer hold the breaking glass as tears will start to fall unmasking the pain within. Few more shots and I will unstintingly pour my heart out, I dance, I sing, I cry and I laugh that even the devil won't care. One last shot will bring me that one best pain reliever in the world... sleep. A deep slumber where the world stops and everything is forgotten.

But what I hate about Tequila is its upshot is only as good as the last drop. When I wake up the next day,my world is still the same as the time I opened the bottle. Painful memories and reality remains unforgotten and unsolved. Again I will feel the shards of my broken heart cut through my whole being.

As Nats told me yesterday, "There is no silver bullet to forget, only time and a bit of faith."

But it doesn't hurt to go for another round of Tequila shots when you need a temporary respite from that piercing pain.

As the saying goes, "When life gives you Salt, break out the lemon and bring in the Tequila."


Blogger Shawnsomenumber said...

oh my god, i completely feel you, this post means so much to me, i dont know why, it might be the way you worded it, or it might just be this tequila im drinking right now, but either way, it really feels like i can connect to what youre saying, i got tons of problems in my life and i just like to read about other peeople, idk why but it just helps me get through all this stuff, thank you so much for posting this, and sorry about this huge run-on sentence.

12:38 AM  

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