Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Notebook

Finally, The Notebook is showing here in Cebu. I watched it last night with my friends. I can only count with my fingers the movies that had made me cry and this movie has made it's way to the elite list. I cried not because The Notebook has a sad ending, I cried because Noah and Ali showed the kind of love that my heart is continually searching.

A love that can surpass time and difficulties. That even if you've grown old and gray, the love you have for each other remain as young and strong as the first time you met. Where a lean on a shoulder and holding of hands mean a lot more.

In the movie, Ali have loved another man, for thinking that Noah had forgotten about her. But I saw that what she had with the military man is different. Yes, she was happy with him but she wasn't as free when she is with Noah. With the military man, she was the perfect woman the people around her tried to make out of her but with Noah, she's the girl that she is. Where the best of her is drawn out, she can laugh and be impulsive and most of all she can do the thing that she loved doing, which is to paint.

In the middle of the movie, I asked myself, if it is really possible to find a love as real and beautiful as that?

In this world that has become so superficial, those simple things such as sincerity and honesty have drowned out by lies, deceit and perfidiousness which made our sole purpose so hard to find. At the height of technology and mobility which is supposed to keep people closer had become an easy tool to hurt and play with other's emotions. Nowadays, it's so easy to play soulmate, it's so easy to appear sincere, innocent and symphatetic. It made it difficult to scrutinize someone's sincerity because sadly, words are already not enough.

And in every pain, you start to create a facade and build a wall that will detract access to your feelings even to the people who are true. It becomes a cycle until everything becomes a game that you have to play.

But I'm still hopeful, I'm still holding to what I believe is real. That somewhere in this crazy world there is someone for me. Who will not necessarily make me see that life is beautiful, but who will hold my hand until the end of this journey.

And to you, wherever you are, I will shed another tears, bear another painful nights and survive another empty days. I will even risk in playing this game.

If all of these will lead me to you.


Blogger ShutterAddict said...

hi... i was viewing random blogs and came across yours.
if i may're a great writer! :)
keep on blogging!
if you have time to waste.. you can visit my blog hehe

2:41 AM  
Blogger DavidBong said...

There is someone out there who is meant for you. But don't look so far when sometimes he may be just in front of you. And when living in this world, leave out 50% of the romantic stuffs.

9:48 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

take the risk and find ur true love...i found mine... hope that he will hold my hand until the end of my journey on earth.

11:23 PM  

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