Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Segmentation Fault

There's so many things happening around me today. First there's Claire's wedding preparations, then there's Georgia's resignation and relocation to Manila ,Arlene's birthday bash, the mystery guy who sent her the flowers and some unmended feelings. There's Mau and his Winston and his recovery from pneumonia..Then Maila's hopefully final interview with the Japanese agency.Oh I forgot there's also the Sportsfest and the cheerdance..ah things, things, things!
And I enjoy being their mere spectator, quietly(?) sitting on my desk while fixing the segmentation faults on my DataProcessor. As I remove each segmentation fault that appears on my monitor, I ask myself... whose fault is this anyway??!! Debugging my code has eaten a lot of my time these days... I haven't gone home earlier than 1 am since last week. For I am also trying to squeeze in a segment of my life that needs more than fixing. I have to start reviewing Java, JSP and Servlet if I want to realize my plan of going to Manila for a better career path, which had been put in the backburner for so long already. I wish working on my plan is as easy as fixing segmentation faults in C, where you just have to trace your code line by line until you finally catch the cause (mostly stupidity and carelessness) and fix it. Or if you can't find the fault, you can easily point the cause to the other modules and let your groupmates fix it.. hehehe But unfortunately, linking your own segments, fixing the faults until you have created one whole life you've been always wanted is not all easy. Especially when you're doing it alone. I am scared. I am not confident with my skills.What if no one hires me? What if I won't do well on interviews? What if I am still here next year? Oh my...Good thing my friends are also busy with their own thing, they distract me from this stress. I can stop and relax for awhile.

I have to go home now, it's already 3 am and I still have to come back here later for another bug fixes! Damn! sometimes I'm starting to concoct an evil plan of just leaving these bugs unfixed and let Shimane nuclear plant explode. That might make me famous...

I don't know if I make sense here, I'm just typing my thoughts away...really tired but not sleepy because of the coffeebI had with Georgia awhile ago.


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