Sunday, August 08, 2004


I'm still feeling a bit under the weather due to the tonsillitis and fever I suffered during the long weekend that now turned into a 'Sipon'. But I've forgotten about it for a while when my gayfriend recalled to me his sizzling and romantic weekend with this cute guy he met through Friendster. (So who says only straight guys can kiss and tell? huh!). He told me that he could really feel they have this certain connection and that he's really happy and inspired now. Then he dropped the question, "Ano na ba kami?" because the cute guy have already asked him if he can promise to be "exclusive" but nothing about being, you know, officially "together". I saw traces of confusion on his glowing face because apparently this is his first time. So I explained to him that he's on a No-Strings-Attached relationship which is a normal thing and actually a very popular one nowadays, not only to the gay community.

It's so easy to draw the line when you see the person only as a friend. But what if you met someone, you discovered that the two of you have this certain connection until he became your "favorite friend". Then one thing leads to another until you find yourself straddling the line between being friends and being a couple. How and when can you rub out the mark that separates love and friendship? And is it right to demand "exclusive right" from that person?

Unlike in a real relationship where protocols are clearly defined, being in a noncommital relationship can be fun yet confusing. For in this side of the fence, there are no rules. Here you can enjoy all the fine things that comes with the real package and the ugly parts are left behind. But sometimes you can be engulfed by your emotions that you start to demand and you start to expect because you tend to forget that after all there are no strings attached. So you have to keep your guards up and remind yourself every now and then that where you are standing on, there is no commitment and at the end of the day you never know you might end up empty handed. So you're only expected to enjoy the ride and you're not supposed to limit yourself to that person, for "exclusiveness" comes only with commitment right? -- But what if you only want him? -- Oh i've said, this can be discombobulating or perplexing.

So what is it with this thing that actually make us agree to stay?

I'm sure my gayfriend is not alone in this field even if the pleasure blinds you from the pain and complications that looms ahead. But unfortunately there are people who are actually just willing to settle in this delusion just to avoid the fear of failure because they can just walk away if things don't work out. Or simply because it's a comfortable arrangement especially to some who can't stay still with one person.

No Strings attached can be very exciting, but time can wear it out and someday you'll find yourself asking the question "Where is this going?". I think that's when the game ends and you have to lay your cards on the table. This is the time you decide whether to take the next step forward or put him back to the other side where he belongs and move on so you can find someone more worthy of your time, who is brave enough to face the commitment that trails along the strings.


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